Catalyst Manufacturers Association, Japan (CMAJ) is a nonprofit industry association. CMAJ was founded in October 1965 to promote the sound development of the Japan’s catalyst industry.
The membership of the Association comprises catalyst manufacturers, catalyst related companies such as raw material suppliers and trading companies. Today, CMAJ has about 60 member companies and is an organization representing the Japan’s catalyst industry.
The major activities of the Association are :
The General Assembly decides the following matters :
The Board of Directors deliberates the matters necessary for the operations of the Association.
The Steering Committee makes and manages the budget and the business plan necessary for the operations
of the Association.
The Business Committee collects catalyst statistics and surveys the catalyst industry trend.
The Technical Committee collects and surveys the technical papers related the catalyst technology.
Catalyst Manufacturers Association (Japan)
H.I Building 1-4-2 Iwamoto-Cho, Chiyoda-Ku,Tokyo, 101-0032 Japan [Google map]
TEL : +81-3-5687-5721
FAX : +81-3-5687-5722